Memorable People - Friends and Acquaintances of Charles B. Moore

Mrs. Kathryn Bryson Back To Menu

In 1968, my wife and I were led of the LORD to delay our departure for San Jose, Costa Rica and Spanish language school. We remained in Western North Carolina and spent time in Bible study and prayer, preparing ourselves to deal with inevitable problems we would face as the business manager for the Southern Baptist Peruvian Mission.

We became close friends of a lovely lady named Mrs. Kathryn Bryson who had lived in an iron lung for more than 20 years. Her mother, Mrs. Edna Phillips, had taken care of her for all those years.

The small room that held her iron lung was in the back of her house with its own entrance. Many late nights as I was returning from preaching a revival meeting I would stop by and knock on the door and be invited in to have a time of prayer with Kathryn.

She was the epitome of an intercessory warrior as she lay totally paralyzed in a cylindrical tank that kept her alive. Later while we were in Costa Rica, Kathryn sent word that she prayed for our ministry every hour of every day.

I know that God honored this great ladies intercession in our behalf. We would not have seen the tremendous spiritual fruit if it had not been for her prayers.

We cannot share the glory with God but we know that he honored the intercessory prayer of this Godly woman who in an iron lung had more spiritual power than most pastors.

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